I sure miss all of you. This week was a great one, and I'm loving
serving the Lord and the people of Missouri out here!
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Zone Conference at Adam-ondi-Ahman in Davies County, Missouri |
Highlight of the week... After church we met with our awesome investigator Taylor! She is the most solid, most truly prepared person I've taught on my mission. We had a great lesson with her, answering her questions, and really digging to find out where she is spiritually. We told her we've been praying and feel like she is prepared for baptism, and could be baptized on March 18th! Her eyes lit up, and she said, "Ahhh that would be so cool!!"
So yeah, that was definitely a first. :) I'm so flippen excited. MARCH 18th!
She is amazing.
Reading the BOM again, and am loving it more than ever. I'm in Mosiah
8. I'm loving Grandpas book, "Learning to Love the Book of Mormon"
I've read most all of the supplemental articles and am learning a
ton! I've also been reading the commentary of a chapter, then reading
from the actual Book of Mormon and I understand it a lot better! I've
shared it with a lot of elders, and they are all blown away by Gramps
and how smart he is. Everyone in the fam should read it! It is
SERIOUSLY cool. Let Gramps know us missionaries love studying from it!
Is that book being sold anywhere? I feel like it needs to be exposed to a ton
more people! Here is the link to that book!
Amosa, my trainer (the 6-6 Samoan dude) is going home this transfer.
He's my district leader! He's so awesome. One of my best pals out
here. I've loved serving around him again. We have an awesome district
and zone! We're the Far West Zone! It's cool serving where my
ancestors like John Tanner lived at one point. I'd love to learn more
about any other pioneer type ancestors I had! Mom, ask Paige and
Grandma Carolyn to send some cool stories of our ancestors that were
in Missouri at one point, or anywhere in church history! I've been
thinking about Grandma Carolyn a lot, and really miss her! You all
give her a big squeeze from me.
We as a zone had zone conference at Adam-Ondi-Ahman! It was so
cool, we all spread out and found a spot on the grass, and took like a half
an hour to study and read our patriarchal blessings! It's cool to see
how much more sticks out reading my blessing that I just totally
overlooked. My blessing is short and simple. Which kinda bummed
me out at first. But I'm realizing it's showing me that if I simplify the
heck out my life and go back to the basics, it'll all work out. So cool.
Much luv, till next week!
- Tan
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