Sorry for the late letter! This last week has been great. It's crazy
how the weeks are flying by! One year ago I was more than
half way done with the MTC!
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Zone on p-day! |
The weather out here can't seem to make up its mind. It's 70's one day, then 30's and snowing the next. My comp Elder Griffiths has had a cold for like 5 weeks, and thought it was just because the weather was changing, but we went to the doctor and found out he has a sinus infection. He's taking some amoxycillin, which I'm allergic to haha.
Our ward (basically the whole Relief Society) is seriously obsessed with essential oils... More specifically Doterra oils, and sincerely believe these oils can heal ANY and all illness. "IF YOU ARE CONSISTENT..." they say. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it has some merit and science behind it, but the only results I've seen come from using it is that I end up smelling like the Relief Society. Sadly, as a result, I'm starting to be turned off more and more in my conversion to the religion of Doterra-ism that the Maryville ward has embraced.
Sometimes seemingly more than Mormonism lol...
Doterra-ism? Yes it is a religion, the whole ward seems to have thrown
out all medication and replaced it with only the most ESSENTIAL
essential oils by Dottera©️... I feel like God gave us advancements in
medication for a reason, to bless us! WE DON'T GOTTA GO BACK
TO THE STONE AGES Y'ALL?! I mean, can a man not get some
Ibuprofen up here?! *Having a bad headache at dinner*, "Have you
tried Doterra?! Rub some of this essential lemon juice/spikenard blend
on your neck." I tried, and the pungent fumes caused my headache to get
worse... *Members somehow hear we're having trouble sleeping* "Trust
me Elders, rub this essential lavender sleep blend all around your eyes
and on your eyelids and you'll sleep like a baby..." We tried, couldn't sleep
with wet eyes. *Griffiths has diabetes and a sinus infection*, "Have u
tried Doterra tho?! Rub a tiny bit of this essential relief blend and
a drop of peppermint around your face and pancreas, it'll heal your
infection and diabetes right up..." We stopped trying what they said
after Griffiths burned his eyeballs with that one. It's getting out of
hand the trust these people have for that company. Heck, *Compound
fracture break, femur bone snapped in half*, "YA BUT HAVE U TRIED
DOTERRA THO?! A few drops of Doterra's gold, frankincense, and
myrrh blend should fuse that bone back together.. Getcha back on your
feet in a few days."
Is it possible that essential oils are not very essential...?
#SorryNotSorryDoterra-ites #GimmeSomeAdvil
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Tanner's zone! |
Mission life is really good these days tho. Honestly, being out in Maryville, so far away from everyone (the crowd of the city, and crowd of other missionaries), it's really low stress and relaxing haha. It helps that Griffiths and I are best pals. We can stay out of the drama and just get to work! We taught Taylor Kicksey the rest of The Plan of Salvation and she's loving it! She loves learning how to come closer to God! She's progressing and is super awesome.
Last p day we did a Zone party at this old folks home these members
bought and turned into a hangout place with ping pong, scooters and bikes
and all to ride around the halls in. Hahahahaha it was the weirdest
feeling. This p day we again drove an hour and a half to be
with the rest of the missionaries. Our zone is sweeeet! Everything is
so far away when you're out in Maryville! You could fit like over half
of all of the wards in our mission, in the boundaries of our ward it's
so big! But driving is fun. We like visiting the Iowa and Nebraska
borders. :) We're actually closer to the mission home of the Des
Moines Iowa mission than we are to ours lol.
I love you fam, sorry not much to say this week!
Much luv,
- Tan
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Tanner's comp, Elder Griffiths |
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