Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Letter #83 . . . Browns and Bodines!

Hey fam!

It's been awesome being able to serve in the Liberty Stake. Liberty Jail is in another ward, but is about 10 minutes away, the temple is in our ward, and is ten minutes away. Our stake center/ the church building we go to is right next to the temple, like a 1 minute walk away. We are double covering 2 wards and the mission home is in our ward. President Love is technically in our ward but he's always going to other wards. 
Elder T and Elder SandKamp at Brown's house!
Life has been crazy this last week. Turns out being a zone leader means you do a lot of paperwork and deal with getting people rides places and all that fun stuff. So much of that's been going on, I've hardly met any of the people we're teaching... We're trying to get all caught up tho. We had some cool moments meeting ward members this week! I met Jordan & Lauren Brown! He's the assistant ward mission leader/ gospel principles teacher. They're awesome. We're 3rd Cousins. Haha pretty sweet. She said she's met grandpa before! She just went out to Utah and said her Grandma was talking about Grandpa Mike a bit! I feel bad for her, she's having a big jaw surgery and will be in Utah for over a month!!

Another cool story, we met Jared & April Bodine in our ward. They are a young, 25 year old couple. He's in med school. They're super awesome. He was asking all about me, my life and my mission. About 20 mins into talking to them I realized I'd seen him somewhere. As he was talking, it clicked in my head the days prior to my mission, like a few days before I left, there was a YouTube video (Click here to watch the video) I kept turning back to and watching over and over again to get in the Spirit. It was a video of some missionaries sharing their cool experiences and testimonies of their mission. He was telling a story of his mission in that video. He gave the most powerful story of his experience converting a young punk drug dealer in Mexico. I seriously remember that video vividly, and you know how bad my memory is! That's how much of an impact that video made on me! I cried as I watched that video. It was such an awesome, random thing. I shared with him how that video impacted me, and I couldn't help but get choked up as I told him that and shared my testimony of the Book of Mormon. It was such a tender mercy, one I really needed that night. Such a cool moment. 

I love this gospel. Til' next week! :) 

- Tan

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