It's been a great week! We had 4 investigators at church on Sunday.
They all stayed the 3 hours. That is huge for this ward, so that was
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Ran into missionary at Walmart that he did splits with in SLC! |
We just met with that Matt Clardy guy again on Saturday,
(the Methodist guy.) His last name is pronounced like Claire-dee.
We have casually stopped by a couple times but never had met
his wife or actually gotten in and sat down and taught a lesson.
I've been nervous his wife was not going to be as open as he was.
Turns out she had the same openness he does. If not more so.
His wife answered the door, and was SO nice and welcoming.
She is the youngest of 8 kids, in a Catholic family, and is from
Salt Lake. They're in their mid 40's probably. They finally invited
us in, and we got chatting, then taught the restoration lesson.
They loved it!! They have like 5 kids, but only one at home.
Her boyfriend in high school was Al Van Der Beek of
The Piano Guys!! Haha They are friends and even keep in frequent
contact to this day. She was showing us her text convo they had a bit
ago. Her name is Nikki Clardy. Parker, go tell Al at Church or when
you see him that his friend Nikki's family is being taught by Elder
Townsend! SMALL WORLD.
We taught them the Restoration and bore testimony of the Book of
Mormon. Spirit was strong, they are so golden. They are the elect we
are here to find. They love Jesus Christ and they are eager to read
the Book of Mormon to see if this is the true church. 😍😍 I'm so
excited, because I know they will find their answer because they are
in the perfect mindset to be led by the spirit. Give it a little time,
I really feel like they will be baptized. It's kind of a miracle, we
don't tract that often, but this was a family Amosa and I found by
deciding to drive to the very opposite end of our area, like 50 blocks
away, to get out of our filthy rich area to go tract a bit in the less
prideful wealthy people territory. This family was the VERY first
door we knocked on. I feel this was a tender mercy, and a very rare
circumstance. I feel the Lord gave me a good experience in tracting so
that I will not avoid it throughout my mission! The Lord is giving me
a little extra push and motivation to go find his children ready to
accept this gospel.
On Wednesday we met with Christian Salazar and Madison Alston, the
ones who sent you the pic of me and the baby on my birthday. (They
were at church on Sunday too!) She's been inactive forever, he's not a
member, and we taught the second lesson, they are so awesome. Such
great people. They believe in the restoration and Joseph Smith, and
already have great testimonies. I believe they will be baptized as
well. It may be tougher, because they are not married, just moved in
to a new place together, and aren't getting married until August. :/
Torrico said we could maybe do a Bishop's Ceremony so they'd be
officially married so they could get baptized earlier? There's no
rush. I don't know. They're great tho. :)
Shawn Chestnut, our other investigator is out of town. He really liked
Liberty Jail! We meet with him on the 10th. Pray for him as well!
Tell Parker Thompson's dad thank you for the awesome mail!!! I'm
not getting any emails of friends. Mom, can you work on getting my
email on all of their lists? Ask Parker's dad for the list of all the
missionaries he sent me. I want to get their mail!
I'll call dad's skype account around 10:00 am before church on Sunday.
So 9 o'clock your time .
That's awesome for Jenna! Ahhh that's so exciting!! She is so awesome.
Have her write me!!
I've been lifting weights and doing push-ups. I'm 147 right now.
Gained like 13 pounds! We usually have meals every night. We do cook,
I cook a lot of ramen. Haha. It's good. Laundry is fine too. :) I've
attached a video of us driving alongside one of the many Lamborghini's
we see all the time in Leawood. Hahaha This place is crazy rich. Also
I've attached me playing bingo with the oldies, giving you a taste of
what I'm doing out here. We do it multiple times a week haha.
Click here to watch BINGO clip :)
Mom, being at the Assisted Living around these people all the time who
are slightly losing their minds reminds me of Grandma, in a good way.
I have great memories of her with her mind, and very sweet ones toward
the end of her life as well. She has an amazing spirit. She is up there
cheering me on, and is so proud of us down here. We will see her again
soon. That is the truth. Think about how amazing that is!! ☺️😘
Love all of you and so excited to talk to all of you. Send me more squishy
Claire videos please. Haha I'm like an addict. I'm needing more and more
Claire to be satisfied. I loved the piano one!! :)
Elder Townsend
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