Monday, March 28, 2016

Week #6 . . . havin' a grand ol' time!

Dear All,

I'm having a grand ol' time out here. The weather is crazy. One minute it's
snowing, next minute perfect weather. It's been pretty rainy lately
tho. I've been in Leawood Kansas the whole time. I don't know if you
remember but right before I opened my call, I said, "I just don't want
to go somewhere lame like Kansas." I then opened it and was pleased to
be in the Missouri Mission. Not Kansas! But I somehow ended up in
Kansas hahahaha 😂 It's okay tho. The area I'm in is just like Draper.
I feel weird cause I have friends in the Philippines, in Russia, in
Argentina, Mexico, all living in pretty crappy living situations. I'm
in the basement of a multi million dollar home. I'm lucky. But my
friends in those countries are surrounded by humble people, and have
had baptisms because the people in their poorer areas are very
accepting of the gospel. They have lots of success with their message.
My area is full of lots of prideful people who are not interested in
our message. People have called the cops in our neighborhood on past
missionaries for "soliciting." Just about everyone pulls the "I'm a
strong Catholic" excuse. When they really only go to church maybe once a year.
I'll probably be in the area at least another transfer so I'll make
the best of it!  

There are lots of times when I feel anxious. Not about being gone or
living on my own or anything, but just about meeting new people, and
seeing how weird missionaries look to the rest of the world. Knocking
on strangers doors and trying to convey in 20 seconds, the incredible
gospel we have is tough. Most people don't last ten seconds before
closing the door, and it's tough cause I can see things from their
perspective. Two smiley 19 year olds in suits are kind of a turn off,
and are pretty intimidating. We look like the freaking FBI.

I'm slowly learning that I need to learn to take advantage of every
moment I have here. To go give it my all and not be disappointed by
strangers slamming doors in our face. It's my sensitivity that makes
that so tough. But we just found a guy named Matt, who is a Methodist,
and is so open to the gospel. It makes it all worth it.

I feel like I'm the same, in every way, haven't changed very much. but
one thing I'm starting to do is really take advantage of Prayer. It's
so easy to take it for granted, but it is real, he listens to us! I
love that.

I'm reading the Book of Mormon again, I just finished Alma. I'm
picking up things I didn't notice the first time. Y'all need to read.
It brings people so close to Christ. The Book of Mormon is amazing. It
calms all anxiety when I study it. You should totally go read Alma
again. It's my fave part of the BOM. Alma 1-35. All of it is
incredible. I also read 130 pages of Jesus the Christ. Loving it.

- Tan

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