Thursday, February 22, 2018

Letter #105 . . . last letter . . . I have loved my mission!

Wow. The end has come so fast. This is my last letter for ya. I am excited to be home. I have loved my mission, especially the people I've met. That is the greatest part of it all. 
I love this gospel. I know it sounds cheesy. But man... I seriously do. It makes me so happy, and brings me fulfilling peace. 

Although the tag will be off in a few days, I still want to help others feel this peace. The peace that comes from God and His love for us. I want to stay close to the Savior. That is my goal, help me stay accountable to it! :)
Love ya

Elder Townsend 

PS. Here's a pic of the Clardy's and I. (See below) They were the first door I knocked on in my first area, and we've became very good friends. I love them. They just took us out to dinner. 

The Clardy's from first area!

Screen shot from Facebook from Nikki Clardy!

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Letter #104 . . . This whole thing feels like a dream!

Hey all,

Time is weird. I'm going to see you very soon. This whole thing feels like a dream.
Can't wait to watch Dad's date night speech! Miss talking to mom and paps. 

I did hear about Jaime's dad. Broke my heart. So sad. I love her...

All these twins... goodness. That's crazy. They will all be good friends, and grow up together I'm sure!
I'm sprinting to the finish! Not too trunky, I'll be alright :) The people I've met out here have become the greatest friends. Members, investigators, etc. Random strangers I've met have became some of my best friends. It's an awesome experience. Nothing else like it. They are what I will miss most. Drama amongst missionaries is the thing I will miss least. Haha. All I wanna do when I get home is just hang out with you guys. Miss y'all so much. ;) 

Love Elder Townsend

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Letter #103 . . . Missouri weather is cray ...

Hey fam bam! Hope the Super Bowl was grand. I heard Patriots lost and that makes me happy. Haha. Yesterday we had a HUGE snowstorm, couldn't even see 20 feet in front, then like 2 hours later there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Missouri weather is cray... 

We taught Jennifer a few lessons this week. She is awesome. She's a nurse and can't make it to church too often, but she's reading the Book of Mormon! 

Can't believe Josh is 13 hahaha that blows my mind. Everyone's getting so old. Britt looks good in his Senior pics!! 

Hey can you sign up those two couples in our Ward for dad's thing? I told them they could. I sent you the info for one of the couples, but this is the other, he's my bishop. Matt and Leesa G. 

Man that Women's Conference looked PACKED! Hahaha dad all like a million ladies. XD

Brady's "two weenies" comment made me laugh for like five minutes.... I'm so excited for the babies. 

Love you all. See you soon. Also Mom, I think this is letter 103 not 102. 
